Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Talk about a blogging hiatus, eh? Wow. I would say life has been busy but to be honest, it hasn't. I feel like we use that word as an excuse when things don't get done or we don't want to do them. If we are being honest, life has been (if you are part of the grammar police, close your eyes)...fanfreakingtastic. 

About a month ago I self-diagnosed myself with homesickness. I couldn't look at a picture of my family without getting a lump in my throat and the urge to pack up and call er quits was more appealing than a pair of Nikes on sale. I knew I was being irrational and that with time my mood would level out and things would be "back to normal." Guess what? The only thing I'm packing up today are Christmas decorations.

With so much catching up to do, I feel as though pictures would be much more interesting than reading my rambling words. Some call it taking the easy way out, I call it...the same thing.

I still smile to myself every Sunday morning when I realize my girlfriends and I take up almost a whole row at church. I also smile every Wednesday night when I host small group. I am learning more about myself with each week and am beyond blessed to be surrounded by such amazing and positive women.

I could go on and on...and on...about how lucky I am to have such great friends who are always behind me in everything I do. Encouraging me to follow my dreams and not judging me when a snort accidentally comes out while laughing. 

I signed up to run my 3rd Half Marathon in April so that means training is in full swing! The weather here as been insanely gorgeous. Like, 70 degrees in January? I'll take it.

Styled With Strength.
Still chasing my dream along with my girl, Carli. Not only am I doing what I love, writing, but helping others live out a healthy lifestyle through pictures and words is more rewarding than I could have imagined. 

To receive our weekly messages, e-mail styledwithstrength@gmail.com
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I guess you could say that after 5 months of being in Denver, I'm still falling for this place.

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