Saturday, January 24, 2015

From the Internet to My Kitchen

Good morning! I have to start by saying the number of times I have sat down in the past few weeks to write a deep, thought-provoking post has been astronomical. I don't know what my deal is but I just can't seem to produce anything worth publishing…so here we are.

Today I would like to share with you some of my recent reads and finds from the around the internet. 

The winner may surprise you!

Alright, I LOVE this. Because when pronouncing words like "quinoa" is hard, we need these diagrams to make other healthy things easy! 

Pearls of Wisdom via Clean Eats, Fast Feets
Need a laugh? Read on. 

I made this last night for dinner and will now be penning the meal in my recipe book (yes, I have a recipe book and yes, I love that I'm 25 and have one). 

My DSLR battery was dead so I apologize for the poor iPhone picture quality! 

Avocado and Greek Yogurt Chicken Salad via Organize Yourself Skinny
I made a batch of this last Sunday and used it throughout the week for my lunches. I put a serving on Flatout Bread, rolled it up and ate it as a wrap! If you are looking for a new recipe that you can prep and use for the week ahead, I highly suggest giving this one a try.

Victory for a charged camera battery! For the shredded chicken, I followed this crockpot recipe.


I partially blame my lack of creativity for an underlying health issue that has been taking place for about a year. Without going into too much detail, I have had numerous doctor visits and will be seeing a specialist next week. FINGERS CROSSED I begin to acquire some answers! I would greatly appreciate if you put me in a small area of your thoughts and prayers! XoXo. 


  1. Thanks for sharing my post. I appreciate it, and I'm glad it made you laugh. I had a good time writing that one.
