Sunday, April 13, 2014

Work It Out 100 - Week 12 Recap & Workout

After the disappointing foot issue last week, I wasn't sure how week 12 would pan out. I took it easy the first couple days as my ankle was still bugging me. Every night I would ice it and take Advil to get the inflammation down and would wake up with no pain or swelling. As the days went on, though, I noticed it would begin to swell and sitting down while working was much more pleasurable than being on my feet. 

Things took a turn for the better on Thursday and I was literally pain and swelling free...ALL DAY! The temps were in the 80's on Friday and so I set out for a run to see how my foot would handle it. I don't know whether God answered my prayers or the icing and Advil was what I needed, but at the end of my run I was on cloud 9! 

On Saturday I tried a new interval workout on the elliptical and added it to my list of favorites!

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