Tuesday, January 3, 2012

the starting point

It wasn't up until student teaching that I really started thinking about photography. The couple that I lived with had a DSLR camera and I found myself experimenting with it & really enjoying taking pictures. It seemed to be an "escape" for me when the stress of school was present. For graduation, I asked for money so I could buy my own fancy camera. I went in and talked with the salesperson & walked out of the store feeling uber confused. Did I really want to spend that much money on a camera? Is it really necessary right now? The more I thought about it & the more I read my photography blogs, I decided that taking pictures is another way to use my creativity.

So I bought one. Complete with the guilt of spending that much money. Honestly, I am completely overwhelmed & truthfully know little to nothing about these cameras. But I am willing, excited, & eager to start slowly learning "the basics."

I babysat my niece Mallory this morning & decided to whip out the camera & snap away. As I loaded them on my laptop, I wasn't too happy with them. I am very much a perfectionist & need to learn that things like this take time & patience. You gotta start somewhere, right?!

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