Thursday, February 9, 2012

7 candles

You were the first child to call me their aunt. My name evolved from "Kiki" to "Carrie" to "Care."
If you only knew how grown up you sound when you blast through the front door saying, "Hey Care!"

7 years later, I still remember the day you were born. I remember your Grandpa Dale coming in to my math class, telling me that "it's time", and driving me to the hospital (I keep forgetting to thank you for getting me out of my least favorite class). Everyone was so anxious & excited to meet you. Waiting outside the door, waiting to hear your first cry, waiting to hold you.

Our "Carrie Days" are my favorite thing to do with you. We have gone to Space Aliens more times than I would like, rode the ferris wheel, gone sledding, played at the park, seen a movie, licked down ice cream cones. You probably think little to nothing of our dates, but I hold those memories very close to my heart. I look forward to many more "Carrie Days" with you!

You are now entering that stage of "I'm too cool for my aunt to even hug me." As much as I miss your sweet hugs, I understand. I'm almost 23 & cringe at the thought of having to hug my own brothers. For now, I'll have to settle with the quick wave or smile you give me.

Happy 7th birthday Marcus Robert! I love you & am so proud to call you my nephew!

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