Thursday, May 24, 2012

personal commandments

Forget the past.
Do stuff.
Talk to strangers.
Stay in touch.
Stop the venting & complaining.
Go outside.
Spread joy.
Never bother with people you hate.
Don't expect it to last forever. Everything ends & that's okay.
Stop buying useless crap.
Make mistakes.
Give thanks for: the ordinary & the extraordinary.
Create something that wasn't there before.
Notice the color purple.
Make footprints: "I was here."
Be silly. Be light.
Be the kind of woman I want my daughters to be.
Choose not to take things personally. 
Be loving & love what you find.
Soak it in.
This too shall pass.
Remember, everyone's doing their best all the time.
Imagine the eulogy: how do I want to be remembered?
Expect a miracle.
I am already enough.
Let it go, man.
What do I really, really want?
Help is everywhere.
If you can't get out of it, get into it.
Keep it simple.
Give without limits, without expectations.
React to the situation.
Start where you are.
People give what they have to give.
Be specific about my needs.
Let go, let God.
If you're not now here, you're nowhere.
Play the hand I'm dealt.
Own less, love more.

Taken from The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin

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